About Us
With over three decades of experience serving clients in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas, we at European & Japanese Auto Repair are here to serve all makes and models of vehicles from these areas. We specialize in Volvo, Toyota, Nissan and Honda models, but are available for all others within the realm of European and Japanese auto repairs. Our business is fully licensed, bonded and insured, with professional and experienced technicians at your service. Call us today to arrange an appointment for all your European and Japanese car maintenance needs in Salt Lake City.
What We Do
We specialize in Volvo, Toyota, Nissan and Honda models and are availalbe for Euro and Japanese automobiles.
Auto Services for Volvos
European & Japanese Auto Repair is the go-to auto shop for Volvo repairs in Salt Lake City. Our Volvo repair services cover braking systems, engine repairs and more.
Auto services for toyota vehicles
Auto Services For Honda Vehicles
European & Japanese Auto Repair services all makes and models.But our professional mechanics specialize in complete Honda repair and maintenance services in Salt Lake City.
Why Choose Us
We specialize in Volvo and Japanese Auto repair
Experienced Skills
We only hire the best.
Guaranteed Services
For all our clients.
Expert Engineers
Knowledgeable and helpful.
Trusted Work
Our customers keep coming back. We work with insurance companies.
Low Cost
Prompt but affordable service. $70 Per/Hour - lowest price in town
High Quality
Our standard for service. OEM or Aftermarket your choice
Car Maintenance Specialists
European & Japanese Auto Repair specializes in all repairs and services for European and Japanese imported vehicles in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. We focus specifically on Volvo, Toyota, Honda and Nissan vehicles, though we’re available to work on any imported make and model.
All our technicians are fully ASE-certified and experienced in all areas of European auto repair and Japanese auto maintenance. We can help you with everything from brakes and tires to engine rebuilds and electrical issues, plus all areas in between. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
Talk To Us Today!
Our years of experience has fine tuned our ability to provide the best estimates to our customers that trust us with their Euro and Japanese vehicles.
What Our Clients Say
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